Specific Investigations.

It is here that I will publish my investigations into the unknown.

Levitation – by Theodore J. Grab.

05 March 2008


In 1946 I had the good fortune to spend some time in India. Although I was there in an official capacity, I did find time to explore something that has always fascinated me, namely levitation.

I had read  “Occult Sciences in India and Among the Ancients” by the 19thC judge Louis Jacolliot. Who had claimed to have seen Brahmins suspend themselves for several hours in a state of meditative ecstasy.

Eventually I made it to  Ayodhya, a small village where Jacoliot saw the Brahmin perform his feat.

The tradition was very much alive. I saw a Brahmin by the name of

Bhagwan Krishnamurti, a second man, whose name I did not record, and a small boy of 12 years of age all  performed a similar levitation. With my background in stage illusion, it was a simple matter to discover how the effect was achieved. In fact, it was remarkable how similar the effect is to a fairly standard stage illusion. However, far from being disappointed, I was intrigued on two accounts.

Firstly, the audience (who really should have seen through the simple prop) were consistently captivated. They doggedly refused to accept the easily discovered mechanism that lay behind the effect. To accept what they saw as a simple stage illusion would have destroyed their world view and their spiritual beliefs, which were essentially the same.

Secondly – somehow, the performers were utterly convinced of the truth of their illusion. Even though they were clearly sitting on a platform attached to the stick they were leaning on, they were convinced that they had actually levitated.

In the interests of keeping this introduction as short as I can, I will miss out a great deal of interesting information and speed the reader forward to 1975, when I went into serious training in California with the then fashionable school of Transcendental Mediation. I must admit, that I parted with a great deal of money and became estranged from my useless wife during this time. My aim, as always was to actually achieve levitation. Indeed, by this time the interest had become an obsession. I though of little else.

My conclusion?

Did I fly?

Really, I am not too sure if I can answer. I certainly felt as if I had – but, my logical mind was equally convinced that I had achieved levitation through conventional, physical means.  In some ways, I did not have an objection to holding both rather contradictory opinions at the same time.

The breakthrough came a short time after this. After literally years of study, and months of fasting and meditation – I fell asleep, listening to Dolly Parton; I believe. In that strange hypnopompic state, somewhere between sleep and heightened awareness, I simply found myself perching precariously on the edge of the drinks cabinet. How I got there, was a complete mystery to me. The distance from my bed to the drink cabinet was not great, but could not be easily achieve in a state of semi-consciousness. At that point, I knew that I had actually levitated.

If I can sweep the reader through time again, I would like to take you to a rather dingy backstreet theatre in Manhattan. The Old Grand Music Hall, was anything but, however, it did serve my purposes.

From the early days in India, though years of extensive study and training, as well as picking any brain that was of any use – here I was, standing on stage, and ready to levitate.

The performance was short and the small auditorium a hush of expectancy. For the first time, I had achieved what the ancient Brahmin and the scholars of the occult could not; I had actually levitated, on stage, and before an audience.

The Audience applauded politely and made their way home. Why should they be anymore amazed than if I had produced a gaudy bunch of plastic flowers from my fundament? As far as they were concerned they had witnessed as mildly diverting trick. They had no idea that they had just witnessed the real thing (this will come to form a central beam to the structure I will attempt to build for you, so please pay attention)!

The only person who stayed behind was a young magician.

‘That was for real, wasn’t it?’ came the weaseling voice.

I raised an eyebrow, turned my back, and made my way down the corridor to my dressing room.  In truth, I needed a drink. But the boy was persistent.

‘How did you do it mister?’

Now, I rarely regret anything that I do in life and have little regard for the quislings who shuffle through it. However, as I lie on what is clearly my deathbed, I do have cause to think and review. Perhaps I do regret telling Hank, the rather obtuse doorman to do with you as he wished. Perhaps this is weighing on my conscience as I look at the plastic bags of plasma and blood attached to various parts of my sickly frame. Perhaps this is why I paid my agent to seek you out and make sure you were given this thing.

After all, you craved the information so badly just under eight  years ago. Also, it is true, I have few friends and I am damned if I will go to the grave letting my life’s work rot with me.

So it is yours – I make one demand upon you.

To pass this information on to no one.

I will apply one caveat to this simple demand. This ‘effect’ is not for everyone. Not everyone will be able to even approach the level demanded of it, either mentally, or psychically. God knows, you may not understand a word of it! I mean, you may not truly understand. This is my fear, for if this is so, my life’s work ends here. If you find this the case, I would like you to entrust this secret to one other. Someone you can truly trust, someone who you know will be able to use this material.

Finally, you will find a bill attached to this manuscript. You may be surprised at the amount I am demanding from you. Remember this however, if you do understand and use this material – you will never need to work again. It will pay for itself many, many times over.

Also, I am a sick, old man and medical treatment is not cheap in this damned country of ours.


What I am going to describe to you here is something that mystics and vaudeville entertainers have been seeking and faking since the dawn of time; namely, the ability to actually levitate.

The principle behind it I call ‘dual reality’. Now, let me explain something at this point. In the late 70’s, I did talk about my ideas to a rather promising Englishman – by that I mean promising as a magician, not promising per se, as an Englishman. The principle was stolen and not really understood. So I will need to define what is truly meant by the term ‘dual reality’ before we proceed.

Dual Reality.

By holding in the mind two contradictory realities, a new reality is forged.

Please, do re-read that simple line until you understand it. By ‘understand it’ I mean, absorb and be able to use it practically. This done, you will find it unnecessary to read any further.

These realities can be held in parallel in you own mind, or in the mind of the performer and the audience.  It is here that the misunderstanding of the concept arose. I will go further – each spectator should hold a different reality intact in their own minds. Much in the same way as we all see the moon from a slightly different angle and distance (depending on our height), yet can still converse comfortably about ‘the moon’.

Let us look specifically at the major paradoxes you should be forging, in specific reference to the concept of levitation.

One of the following scenarios may occur.

  1. That you are utterly convinced that you have not levitated, but have merely stood on a small box. However, your audience will be totally convinced that you have actually defied basic Newtonian laws.
  2. You are totally convinced that you have left the ground, but your audience remain unconvinced.
  3. Both you and the audience are totally unconvinced of the reality of the situation. This my friend, is the most miserable, but most likely outcome.
  1. Both you and your audience are totally convinced of the reality of the situation. This is the state that you are obviously aiming for.


  1. Both you, and each individual witness is convinced or unconvinced to a differing degree. For example, if you or any single member of the audience has taken drugs or an excess of alcohol, you will be more likely to experience a miracle. Whereas a sober existentialist from the bible belt (if such a creature exists), will hold a different opinion.

The fundamental truth behind the truly devastating power of dual reality is this:

As long as you can put yourself into a frame of mind of 2, you will achieve 4, even if 5 or 2 actually occurs.

Again, this is an important statement, so read it as many times as you need to.

Constructing your own reality.

This is the central principle behind the ability to actually levitate.

You need to practice until you are utterly convinced of the reality that you have constructed.

By this I mean that if you believe in the reality you have constructed, then subjective reality is altered to your will. Now, from the perspective of the reality that you have immersed yourself in, this is the only reality you can experience. By extension, the reality is both valid and true (i.e. Empirically testable within the context you create). Or put another way – in the ‘reality bubble’ that you have made, there is no difference between objective and subjective reality. This is because you have transformed reality into experience. Where you once had reality, reality no longer exists in its pure form. However, in its place is experience – experience of the reality you have forged.

I hope this makes sense.

You will have guessed the next stage.

How do you extend this reality to encompass your audience?

The simple answer is, you do not really have to!

You merely have to extend the constructed ‘reality bubble’ to encompass those who you want to see you flying.

The reasoning behind this will become very clear as you read on.


You will need to practice this seriously, and for some time. We are talking about actual levitation here, so expect to put in a bit more effort perfecting this single lift than you did in perfecting your double lift.

All of these exercises are based upon a simple principle:

Convincing yourself of the reality of your own experience.

Exercise One:

For this exercise you will need a small box. You will find it of great help if you paint the box black, or cover it in a dense black material.

This exercise will be easy to accomplish if you have had experience of Transcendental Meditation, as this exercise comes directly from the study of this discipline.

Start by standing in front of the box, with both of you feet together. Please remove both your shoes and socks (I actually have a medical condition that prohibited the removal of my socks, but I do think it preferable if you can do this barefoot, if not totally nude).

The next step is to actually jump back onto the box.

I now want you to do this several times, for quite a few nights. Each time you jump, I want you to feel somewhat lighter, imagine the jump to be less of a jump, and more of a ‘lift’.

This is actually very good physical exercise, so you will find that you do actually become lighter over the days/weeks. This adds a powerful psychological ‘convincer’ (incidentally, another term that has been stolen from my notes and generally misunderstood).

Continue this exercise until  you are utterly convinced that you have actually floated up onto the box.

This will happen gradually – indeed within the week you will get a distinct sense of ‘half-jumping’ ‘half-floating’.

When you have achieved this state of total conviction – your reality will have actually changed.  By this I mean – you will have actually  levitated. All this after the very first exercise!

If you cannot succeed at this very first exercise – there is no point attempting to go any further.

Do not attempt the following exercises until this one is completely  mastered.

Exercise Two:

Slowing time. Basically this is the same exercise – only this time, you will need to concentrate on slowing time down as you jump/rise. This will enhance the sensation of floating.

Start by placing a large clock in front of you. Make sure that it has a second hand.

Start normally – merely jump backward and notice the time taken.

Repeat – only this time jump more slowly watch the hands of the clock move more slowly as you jump.

You will find that by concentrating on slowing down the hands of the clock you will automatically transcend from jumping to levitating. With real focused  concentration, you will be able to actually slow the second-hand down to such a point where it does not seem to move at all! At this point – you will actually be floating in the air unsupported.

Exercise Three:

This exercise continues from where the first exercise left off – i.e. – with you standing on the box.

The mindset here is to imagine yourself actually lifting from the box.

This is achieved using a different methodology. You will not be jumping this time. This is done purely by the imagination. Again, this is helped by an actual physical principle – if you stand still long enough, the blood supply to your feet will slow down – this combined with a reduction in nervous activity, will make it very hard to actually feel your feet.

It is then a simple matter to ‘translate’ this feeling to the box. I.e. You do not feel the box. Why? The only rational answer (to the reality that you have constructed ) is that you have left the box. You have actually levitated.

Now it is simply not necessary to float for more than two or three inches above the box (if that). Anymore will likely disturb the ‘reality bubble’ and literally ‘bring you back down to earth’.

Remember, that if anyone were to actually remove the box (in that the box is no longer supporting you – and is now irrelevant), you would actually be floating at least two feet above the ground.

On no account should you actually have anyone remove the box, let alone be in the room. You will need total solitude for these exercises.

Exercise Three:

Spontaneous Levitation.

This is ‘uncalled for’ levitation. It address the times that will occur where you have spontaneously levitated. This is quite safe, although surprising to the individual.

Well it is safe if you keep a sense of proportion.

Let me explain.

Spontaneous levitation will occur as a result of the previous exercises. It will often occur during a light sleep, or the sort of spontaneous trance achieved through alcoholic indulgence.  Although, it can happen when largely conscious.

It will be accompanied by a numinous feeling – a light-headedness. This feeling has often been misinterpreted in the past to be of a religious nature. This is to be avoided, as there are obvious issues of contagion.  You seriously do not want to find yourself in the possession I found myself in due to naive inexperience. You do not want to find yourself at a party, one minute enjoying the sweet wine and company that is flowing freely, the next minute finding yourself on the table shouting that not only can you fly, but that this must be evidence of your state of transcendence into Godhood.

You may think I am joking, but this is a very serious matter and you will need to address it at some time.

Using the spontaneous……….

[Editors note: unfortunately, there is a rather heavy stain on the manuscript at this point, making it illegible. I do not think that it is possible to decipher more than a few odd words here and there. Further more, the manuscript does start to degenerate, both in lucidity and physical condition. This I think is a strangely touching record of Mr. Grab’s own struggle with life and forms a testament to his gritty determination to get the job finished].

Extending the Reality Bubble.

So, by the end of the fifth exercise you will be quite proficient at totally convincing yourself of the reality of your own experience. The job now is to convince others, and this is where I need to get all philosophical on you(sic) fat ass again.

The truth is – the reality that you experience, is the only reality you will know.

Now this is going to be a difficult concept to get your head around sweetheart.  It hinges around you accepting your own subjective reality as being the objective reality for others. If you can achieve this, the reality you have constructed for yourself, becomes the reality enjoyed by others – or, at least from your point-of-view, which you have now made your only point-of-view – i.e., experienced reality – and by extension; reality.

But how to test this out?

In the same way that you did not instantly change your own reality, you cannot instantly change the reality of others. In-fact, it is a bloody sight more difficult.

Exercise Six:

Gather a small group of intimate friends. Actually, an intimate group of small friends will (by dint of the relationship of size to distance) make the effect more pronounced.

The set up is all important here, and you will need to experiment to get exactly the right angles and lighting to add psychological and visual conviction to your words.

Place the box on the floor and suspend a long black sheet from the roof, to the floor. Arrange these two items so that you can step back onto the box in such a manner that the box is not pronounced. I find it a great help to dim the lights and have two candles placed  about one foot above the height of the top of the box and about one foot in front of the box.

Obviously you will need to do all of this before your guests arrive.

When your guests arrive, be sure to offer them several drinks – you want your guests relaxed, not agitated. Talk casually about how everyone’s reality is different – you may quip ‘It is surprising that we understand each other at all!’ Plant the suggestion that this is OK. We can each hold more than one reality at any one time. Then rapidly change the conversation. I normally say ‘More wine?’ this ‘breaks their state’ and puts them into a state of mild confusion. Follow this by talking about something unrelated and quite trivial. I normally enquire on the whereabouts of my wife, or talk about a the appalling weather we have been suffering.  It is important not to talk about anything the guests will find remotely interesting. A feat that many will accomplish with ease.

The very moment that the guests appear comfortable with the blandness of the conversation – and be warned this will happen very quickly – bring them back into their previous state.

‘Would you like to see me fly?’

This outrageous claim will put the audience into a different state of reality, and one where you have already planted the unconscious seeds regarding the flexibility of reality. Remember, you did not give them time to think through what you had said before changing the subject.

What effect does this have?

Well, the conscious mind will say (unconsciously) something of the order of: ‘Gee, I am glad he has stopped talking through his ass!’ and will quickly sink into its normal state of comforting banality.

Meanwhile, the unconscious mind will say – ‘Huh! Yup, the guy just said that I can believe in more than one thing at any one time……. Cool!   I wonder what he is going to do – what ever it is, I can accept it blindly’

Now, as the Unconscious is (by definition) incapable of conscious thought, it cannot rationalize what you have said – it will therefore have no option but to take these statements as fact, and behave accordingly.

This is the point where you jump backwards onto the box.

Obviously, it is not quite as simple as that!

First, you have to use what you have learnt. If you think you are jumping rather than floating, your audience will think you are merely jumping too. Try to forget that the box is there. Put yourself into exactly the mindset you have practiced and learnt. Prepare to actually float upward. See any perceived physically movement as a by-product. Dismiss it.

Also, timing is very important. You are looking for the precise moment where the spectators conscious and unconscious minds are out of synch, and also for the moment where the unconscious mind is wrestling with holding two concepts at the same time. If you have followed what I have said closely, this will have to happen. The important thing is to notice exactly when it happens. Look for a slightly glazed mist in the audience’s eye – they will not be looking directly at you, but to a point either a few inches in front or behind you (depending if they are right or left-handed). This will give the impression (to you) that they are momentarily cross-eyed. Also, look for a slight film of sweat on the top lip (or, oddly, on the breasts of women). Basically the audience will look both expectant and dislocated at the same time. In short, they will wear their paradox on their sleeves.

So let me recap:

  1. Put the audience in a confused state of dual, or multiple reality by planting the ideas outlined into the unconscious, changing state, than changing back again.
  2. Look for the signs that the audience have entered this state.
  3. Lift your arms. I do not want to offend any Christians here – but I always have an image of the risen Christ in my head as I perform this one.
  4. Convince yourself that you WILL rise into the air. (Your autonomic nervous system will take care of any muscular contractions needed).
  5. Feel yourself rise – SLOWLY.

If you have succeeded you WILL be floating in the air; for the reality that you have constructed and that you all now share. You do not need to do anything now. Your face will automatically take on the expression needed to further convince the audience of the reality of your experience.

Be warned, this is VERY POWERFUL stuff – members of the audience will faint, they will scream, they will flee the room. All of these things have happened to me.

One other word to the wise. If you had spent a lot of time working on the third exercise, you may well find yourself floating some distance above the box. On several occasions this has happened to me, and it had always been accompanied with a floating forward, towards the audience.

You will find that the audience is very susceptible to your perceived power. As previously stated, this may link with religious, or quasi-religious feelings in the audience. What you do with this is your own affair. But do be careful, as the state is not permanent.

Please do experiment with this and feed back your experiences.

Like anything else worth doing, this does take time and a lot of hard practice.

However, please do let me know how you got on.

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